Incomplete-Sphere (3 circles)

I had so much fun making my first box, I decided to continue and make more. This time, I decided to make a sphere...but it seemed too hard, so I decided to make an incomplete sphere composed of 3 circles overlapping each other...

12-30-04: At last! I finished it! Took long enough eh? =) Blame it on college. I have plans to create more, but as of now, I don't have any ideas. On to the final pictures. I have originals (super sized) pictures, so if anyone wants them just e-mail me. (

08-19-04: Hi!! Nothing to say, but here's a picture.

05-27-04: Ahhh, over half a year without any updates.  Here they are, the latest.  My dad stopped working on it, so did my brother, they aren't persistent like me!  bwaahhaa.  Notice the books I used at the bottom there, the thing is so heavy right now that if those books weren't there it'd just be resting on 16 boxes, and they'll be crushed easily.  Not sure how heavy it'll be at the end, but all I know is it won't be able to fit through the door of that room.  =D

08-01-03: I completed the complete circle. My dad and my brother are both addicted to making these boxes now. I got helpers! Hehe...time for the 2nd circle...

07-27-03: Hellooooo, I'm back, it's summer, and I have nothing else to do, so I finished the half of the circle, still got a looooooong way to go. Yep...

10-30-02: I have stopped working on my box again. For a very important reason...I am currently enrolled in community college, and I have decided to transfer to a private college in another state, so I have made up my mind to concentrate all my effort in college work. I'm afraid I will not be updating this box for quite a while.

10-24-02: 11:00AM-Hi~!!! LOL...yea, still working. I can't get my webcam to work...that's why there are no more pictures. When I get it to work I'll take more pictures. But the progress is getting slower, because I get really tired every few pieces I put on because I have to keep my arms in the air so it gets sore.'s harder than I thought...more painful >=)
11:30PM-Woohoo...fixed my webcam. Here's the latest's getting pretty big...I don't know how I'll work on it after finishing just this one circle...

10-21-02: In case you're wondering, yes, I'm working on it. I just didn't have time to take pics and stuff. I didn't add much over the weekend because I had to study study sucks. =)

10-19-02: 12:00AM-My dad just came into my room and saw what I had so far...then he asked if the circle was going to be a hollow like circle, or a solid one. This gave me a good idea, so now, change of plans. The circle will look different. It'll use up less cubes and it'll look better. But it might be harder to make. Oh's the diagram for the new circle...

10-18-02: 4:00PM-Didn't do much today. I ran out of folded pieces, so I'm just making more now...
10:15PM-Well well, I didn't expect to work on it today, but I did, and I finally finished the center columg (4x4x20). In this picture, you can just see a tiny glimpse of my lvl2 box project on the right side of the picture. ^^ Yea, the column looks a bit short and bright, so you can't see that clearly. But it's pretty tall...

10-17-02: 10:00AM-Added more cubes...current dimensions are 4x4x7. 13 more layers to go to finish the center column...

11:45PM-Lookie...the size of it doubled over the past...12 hours or so. The dimensions now are 4x4x14. 6 more layers to go to finish the center column...

10-15-02: It's my birthday! And I decided to celebrate by showing you what I have done so ya go!!! I'm starting at the very center 4x4x20 column...

10-13-02: Over the past week, I bought 6000 notecards, and cut up 4000 of them. They're all in my cabinet above my head. ^^...also started working on the project (as you can see...part of it shown in the cabinet to the left of the box full of notecards...Yes, that box is full of cut up notecads. Not folded yet...

10-10-02: I made a small 3d image of what the thing would actually look like...pretend there are no holes in this picture. Imagine the holes are filled with the cubes...

10-03-02: Drew out a very very simple plan for what the very center circle of cubes would look like.

