My First Name

Boredom has finally taken over, and since I'm out of ideas on neat geometric shapes, I'm just going to make my first name.

01/31/05: During the past few days the tripod was moved AGAIN..managed to get it positioned again though, but off a little =/

01/26/05: Ah the joys of living at brother, his usual clumsy/curious self moved the tripod I took so long to keep in its place so the animation I was doing for this project wouldn't look all choppy and ugly. He just HAD to move it'll take me a while to get it back to the position it was originally at so I can continue taking pictures...more to come later I guess...

01/17/05: letter a done..

01/16/05: Done with the letter C, ignore how it looks like it's going to fall over...I was doing weight tests on it and forgot to straighten it up again.

01/10/05: So here's a plan. It's not going to be just 1 layer of cubes, definitely 2. Might decide to have some fun with animations on its development.

