Hello! It's been over year now since tosmaps.com was started. The site gets hundreds of visits daily despite the incompletion of the map data. I regret to inform you all that I am planning to take tosmaps.com down in the next 2 or 3 months. Since I'm not the type to ask for handouts, I've been shelling out my own money to keep the site alive, and alas, it is time for this to end, especially when I stopped playing a long time ago. I am now reaching out to all of you who are interested in taking over the site. Even though I stopped playing a long time ago, I still genuinely want the site to live on and be completed. For those who are interested, you can contact me on reddit via
this post or email me at
websites@calvyno.com. I'm estimating it will take me a month to decide to go with and work out the logistics. Thank you!